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Why Choose Us
Handpicked teachers and tutors
We thoroughly interview every teacher and tutor listed on our platform. With over 14 years of experience in the field of education, we assure you – your child’s education is in safe hands. Expect to see a marked improvement in exams performance.
Proven Track Record
Managed by the same team that has received an average of 4.9 stars on social media through our past seminars over a span of 17 years.
Let Your Child Excel with us
MyTuition.Live is an online tuition platform, we don’t own a physical tuition center and run our classes remotely via live stream. What makes us different from the other competitor is we have a strong team of teachers with a powerful customized Learning Management System (LMS) engine developed by our team.
Our panel of teachers is trained for online teaching and most of them received awards for their outstanding performance. inspires to revolutionize the entire tuition industry where every student can get the best teachers online. We want our students to excel in their studies by getting the best tutors in the education line. We have incorporated automated systems and in the near future, we will implement AI technology to improve overall student progress further.
Our best teachers come from all over Malaysia, such as Kelantan, Sarawak, Negeri Sembilan, etc. Getting the best education should not have any boundaries and that’s our belief.