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A total of RM 1,080 credit specially for you!

  1. (RM30 with minimum spending of RM80 total of RM120) x 4 coupons
  2. (RM90 with minimum spending of RM240 total of RM 360) x 4 coupons
  3. (RM150 with minimum spending of RM600 total RM 600) x 4 coupons

These are the coupons you can redeem:

minimum spending of RM80
minimum spending of RM240
minimum spending of RM600

Terms & Conditions

1. All purchases using coupons are not refundable.
2. All coupons are not exchangeable for cash.
3. All coupons are available for use within the period before their expiry.
4. Coupons are applicable for class package purchases and may not be applicable to other products that may be listed on
5. Purchases using coupons that are found to be in violation of our terms and conditions may be voided and cancelled.
6. Live Tuition Sdn Bhd reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of coupon usage without prior notice.

Redeem your free Coupons

  1. EXCELA entitles RM30 with minimum spending of RM80 total of RM120
  2. EXCELB entitles RM90 with spending of RM240 x 4 = RM 360
  3. EXCELC entitles RM150 with spending of RM600 x 4 = RM 600

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